Electricity is a powerful form of energy. While it makes living and working around the home easy, safe and fun, it can also be dangerous if used carelessly. That's why it is important to know the rules of electric safety.
Indoor Safety
- Do not poke things into electrical outlets, toasters or any other appliances, on or off. The only thing that is supposed to go there is an electric plug with an undamaged cord.
- Electricity and water do not mix. When you're wet, do not touch or use electrical appliances. Keep all radios, hairdryers and other appliances away from the sink and bathtub. Never use water on an electrical fire!
- Keep a ready-to-use multipurpose fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit in your home at all times.
Outdoor Safety
- Do not climb in a tree if power lines pass through or near it. Even tree branches can conduct electricity!
- Fly kites in open fields - not around power lines. Electricity can travel down kite strings or wires. Never fly kites or balloons near any power lines.
- Never climb transmission towers or touch, climb or play on any electrical equipment you see in your neighborhood. The electricity carried through this equipment is extremely high voltage; getting an electric shock could kill you. If toys are caught in electrical equipment, leave them and find an adult to help. Call Santee Electric to have the item retrieved.
- Never install deer stands on utility poles.
- Downed power lines are big trouble for kids. Always assume that any power line is fully charged and is not turned off. Stay well away and call Santee Electric Co-op.